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Earache In Children

If you are trying to find home remedies for earaches in children, you might be a victim of your child constantly crying day and night from pain thanks to the earache. If it makes you feel better, know that other parents are going through the same thing you are!

Do you know that middle ear infection is the number one reason for trips to the pediatrician’s office? Roughly two-thirds of children come down with at least one infection before they turn three years old.

For many parents, especially those whose babies have never suffered ear infections before, the experience can be very frightening. Their baby cannot tell them what’s happening and they cannot see what’s wrong.

Pediatricians used to prescribe antibiotics routinely for ear problems. Not so today. Now, pediatricians prefer waiting 72 hours before prescribing antibiotics. What do you do while your child goes through the wait and see period of 72 hours?

Some parents try to find home remedies for earaches in children. There are many that are gentle, effective, and completely safe to use. Here are some of them.

  1. Drop two to three drops of onion juice onto your child’s affected ear.
  2. Put one or two drops of warm olive oil on each ear.
  3. Put a cup of rice or salt inside a large sock. Warm the sock in the microwave for and then place it outside your child’s aching ear for 10 minutes.
  4. Put a warm (NOT hot!) compress next to the affected ear. Leave it there for 10 minutes. You may also use warm bottled water instead of hot compress.
  5. Elevate your child’s mattress — this will help clear the drainage. Keep in mind, though, that you should not use pillows to prop up your child’s head.
  6. Let your child sip water frequently. This can help open up the Eustachian tube.

Don’t “white-knuckle” your way through your child’s pain. Try these home remedies for earaches in children and ease their suffering.

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